Our Online Marketing Visibility Plans are built to be flexible and adaptable based on your unique goals and budget.

Online marketing should start with an intelligent plan based on your unique audience and vision.  There are a lot of online marketing options; many go unnoticed and unused. It can be hard to know what options your site requires.  Working with hundreds of organizations has equipped us with the right knowledge to draft your unique plan.

Flexible Online Marketing Plans That Grow With You

We design a Visibility Plan that fits your needs and are fully flexible to adjust to your future needs.

There are 5 main areas we often start with, however, we also have many more strategies and tactics to consider.
- Google Grant
- Google Adwords Work
- Content Creation
- SEO work
- Google My Business
- and more ideas to help reach your goals

Google Grant: $10,000 per month allocated for Google Adwords

Google Adwords: We fine tune the Adwords campaign to stay in compliance with Google and maximize the usage of your grant. We build a growing number of ads based on the desired key phrases to drive the ideal traffic to your website and phone.

Content Creation: Creating new content is key to champion new phrases which allows for us to target all desired keywords to bring in new traffic through the Google Adwords Grant. This new content also allows us to show up organically for the phrases that we target.

SEO Work: As we start to focus on certain keywords, we can evaluate the webpages/website’s effectiveness on these certain words in various ways. The SEO work needs to be done after content creation work is accomplished.

Google My Business: Maintaining your listing and responding to reviews is important for growing the flow of traffic from Google searches.

online marketing options

Benefits of our Online Marketing Visibility Plans:

Flexible: We don’t just focus on one visibility aspect per month. Our Visibility Plan is all inclusive. We build a flexible plan that is specifically tailored to your needs. We use our intelligence and marketing expertise to change and grow your plan as time goes on.

No Long-term Contract: Our Online Marketing Visibility Plan works on a month to month basis & can change as needed. Cancel anytime with 30 day notice.

Every Minute Worked: Unlike other marketing companies, we don't charge a flat rate per project. We always bill hourly using 100% of every minute. Other companies charge per project which means if a project your paying for (i.e. Google My Business management) has a flat cost of $450 per month but it only takes them 1 hr per month to do the work, then you aren’t getting the full value of what you are paying for. iRapture.com bills by the hour and we log every minute of work to maximize your monthly Visibility Plan value. This allows us to do more and explore more options, without the burden of increasing your monthly bill by taking on new marketing strategies we want to implement.

Reporting and Meetings: We can provide customized reporting based on the information that matters the most to you. Idea exploration and brainstorming is available as often as desired. We take pride in creating a personable relationship with attention to expedient feedback and support.

Visibility Plan

Our Website Visibility Plans consist of 1 hour of work per $200 cost each month. So, $400 per month gets you 2 hours of work per month, $800 per month is 4 hours of work, etc.

Essentially the package you select will determine the speed at which your Visibility Plan account will produce results.

Here are some common areas of work:
- Obtain the Google Adwords Grant
- Establish a reoccurring strategic meeting
- Build Adword Campaigns and Ad Groups
- Google My Business (GMB) management
- Refine Website Title Tags & Meta Tags
- Connect site to Google Webmaster Account
- Connect site to Google Analytics
- Clean Up Old Contact Information Online
- Establish an accurate site map and submit this to Google
- Evaluate data from various Google accounts and let the data influence the ongoing work/plan
- Check website forms annually
- Establish an online marketing calendar (for synchronizing marketing efforts)
- Create Social Media Posts
- And we have over 70 additional tactics for us to consider implementing based on your needs and goals

More Thoughts

Some marketing projects can take less time than others, sometimes as little as 10 minutes. Instead of wasting time pitching and billing each itemized marketing project, we developed our Visibility Plan to put all of your marketing projects under one program to save time and money.

Other marketing projects are a mountain of work, so we use intelligence to identify the high impact parts of a project that are more beneficial in regards to traffic and then return later when the budget allows us to work on the less impactful areas.

We have worked with hundreds of nonprofit organizations over the years which have provided us with exposure to many good ideas and options for other nonprofit organizations to use/consider. Our Visibility Plans are a place where we can introduce these good ideas to centers to achieve their desired results. The knowledge we have gained from our current Visibility Plan clients allows us to implement effective marketing strategies that have been proven to be effective.

With the organizations that we are helping, here are a few that you would probably recognize:



Please contact us if you need marketing work, marketing ideas and someone to help organize these efforts into a Visibility Plan that is affordable and flexible for you.


Q: I have more than one website; do I need to purchase a Visibility Plan for each one?

A: No, our Visibility Plans cover all of your websites under one marketing plan, allowing us to focus on the most impactful aspects first.


Q: Is there an annual contract?

A: No, we only require a 30 day notice to cancel the Visibility Plan.


Q: Can I use the Google grant to pay for the AdWords campaign AND have a pay per click AdWords campaign?

A: Yes, the Google grant AdWords campaign can be used in tandem with any current pay per click campaign and would just be managed separately.


Q: Do you have to make changes to my website if I sign up for the Visibility Plan?

A: Changes to your website are not required for all Visibility Plan work but may be strongly suggested if opportunities are discovered that would benefit the marketing of your website.


Q: Can you provide me a monthly report of what work has been done?

A: Yes, we can email you a monthly report that will let you know what work has been and your current google analytics information.

Visibility Plan Interest Form

Visibility Plan Interest Form