Free grant from google, don’t miss out.
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What if I told you that your pregnancy center is missing out on a free grant? Would you believe me? What if I told you that this free grant from Google could give your center $10,000 worth of free adverting per month for your website? Would you believe me? Well, I hope you will believe me – because it is true. The truth is that Google is currently offering nonprofits like your pregnancy center free advertising for their websites in the form of Google Ads. The Google AdWords Grant is this amazing free grant.
For example, when I search “Car” in Google, the Google AdWord for Car’ shows up. As you can see the Google Adword for is at the very top of our search. People click on this ad, visit, and they get more business. It is that simple. Now remember has to pay big money for this ad. They still will but you don’t have to pay a dime because you are a nonprofit! That is the beauty of the Google Adwords Grant. Google is giving you free Google Ads that you can use to bring more abortion-minded women to your website and save more babies.
We understand that your center is busy helping clients, transforming hearts, and saving lives. Let us at iRapture apply for this grant on behalf of your center. We charge only $200 to obtain this grant on your behalf. This is a worthwhile investment because the $10,000 worth of free Google Ads is ongoing – every month!
Before this grant, the bottleneck was money per month. This grant has flipped the bottleneck upside down. With this grant, the new bottleneck is content and money is no longer a bottleneck for small, local organizations – at least when it comes to their adwords advertising. There are a lot of words and phrases that your pregnancy center is the expert on and there are several phrases that an abortion minded woman searches on when looking for help.
We can help you champion these phrases with expert content that targets – features these phrases in new high quality content that can live on your website. If you want to be found when someone searches on an abortion pill brand name – like Ella or when someone searches on a medical term connected to abortion, we can help you craft high quality articles with solid research, quotes and references to help your website build its relevance to a range of words that you deserve to be the noted expert on.
We have a plan to support the google adwords grant that includes content creation work for $150 per month. This plan will allow us to create the ads for your current content. Then create a new article every 2 months along with the related work.
We would enjoy the opportunity to talk with you about the long term benefits of this investment in content and how this content can be amplified by a google adwords grant. Please call us at 877-488-7999 and press 1 for sales. Robert Lopez or I will gladly help you with this awesome opportunity!
Jacob Barr
Jacob Barr is the owner and CEO of
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