Encryption at Rest for HIPAA Compliance

While most pregnancy clinics have chosen to encrypt their website with an SSL certificate, in order to encrypt the data going in and out of their website.  Many organizations have not considered the next step in encryption.  The next step is to encrypt your website data at-rest, while it is stored on the server hard drive – by storing it … Continued

Praise for NIFLA

Recently the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers in NIFLA vs. Becerra. The justices ruled that California law violated our first amendment rights to freedom of speech. This ruling by the Supreme Court is a victory worth celebrating. Pregnancy centers and people everywhere have been blessed by the efforts of Tom Glessnor and his team to secure … Continued

It is good to celebrate when you have reason to celebrate!

Smart pro-life pregnancy center directors gathered together to celebrate, break bread, and also to learn together and reflect on ideas shared by experts from across the country. The Advanced Training Institute is a place for in depth and advanced education for pregnancy center directors and teams. Beyond growing stronger and smarter with fellowship and education, we also had a reason … Continued