I read The Wall by Kirk Walden and I would like to share my thoughts on this prolife book of encouragement.
In this book, Kirk applies the story from the Bible about Nehemiah and the building of a wall around Israel to draw a parallel to the prolife effort over the past 4 decades and into the future with our goal of ending abortion. This was the first time I heard an in depth study drawing from this passage in the Bible.
This book was an encouragement to me. It provides hope that we can do more and provides encouragement to have a more optimistic outlook on our future – with one catch – we need to follow God’s leading and continue to build the wall. I highly recommend this book. I found that I did not want to put it down after reading a few chapters. It was a very enjoyable read.
I feel encouraged to do the work that needs to be done and to have boldness in the face of fear that would normally hold one back. I recommend this book to those who are life-minded and would like to be encouraged.
You can contact me and I will loan you my copy of the book or you can pick one up at kirkwalden.com for a reasonable price.
Jacob Barr is the owner and CEO of iRapture.com.
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