Sondra Yung

We noticed the grant being optimized much more since March, not sure what you guys did but thank you for the great work!

Gordon Douglas

The team at was so easy to work with. They listened to what I wanted and offered great advice for things I hadn’t thought of. The website looks fantastic; it is fresh and fun, and traffic in just the first few weeks has tripled. I am thrilled!!

Joan Batista

Jacob Barr of Pro-Life Team Podcast has provided unique and consistent professional support to the Pregnancy Resource Movement for many years. Among his many talents and professional abilities, he has organized conferences, provided technical and video support for  annual PRC conferences, he has built and maintained websites for several PRC organizations that I have been personally affiliated with. He makes … Continued

Daniel Nehrbass

Rudy and Jacob, Your results on our adgrant exceed expectations, thanks so much.

Kelly Christian

As someone who was thrust right into the pro-life movement and into the role of starting over as a brand new pregnancy center, the thought of keeping up with a website was just overwhelming.  No doubt God sent us to Jacob and iRapture.  We had no money for marketing yet but he allowed us to do a podcast and come … Continued

Karen Silva created our new website and implemented a marketing plan that was within our budget.  We know that sometimes when marketing with Google ads, it can take time to see an increase in client calls and appointments.  Within a few days of our marketing kickoff, we received multiple calls from abortion minded women and men.  One call was from a … Continued

Dayna Holmes

I want to say thank you! Our new client site looks great! I can’t say enough about Joe Murillo. His kindness, patience and expertise is much appreciated!

Deb Antomattei

We received a very generous donation from someone who found our website and wanted to give. She was a first time contributor. Thanks to you for updating our website. We appreciate this very much.

Holly West

So thankful for you and your team – you guys have been great to work with!

Virginia Hart

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate Isaac’s work ethic and immense talent artistically and technically during this crunch time to get our “Advocacy” site up!  He’s pleasant, sharp, and very productive! This site is so attractive and functional I want to show it off to everyone!  We are very excited about this new springboard for our Life Clinic … Continued

Kristen Kellett

I can’t thank you enough for helping us during this critical time. You are a Godsend!

Barbara Jacobson

Tanya, I just wish I could hug you and then you could hug Jacob for me. I am so so grateful that iRapture has stuck with me. This year is starting out much better and I can’t stop thanking God.

Donna Hecke

Appreciate you [Jacob] and your amamzing team and love working with you!

Mecki Grothues

Way back when…. starting our first professional Website, I was a ” know-nothing” of all these technical insides, you stood by me patiently, explaining, suggesting pictures and so much more. Now see, how far we have come! THANK YOU, I Rapture, for ALL that you consistently did to support us during our virtual Gala 2020 and for your generous contributions … Continued

Marsha Middleton

iRapture continually seeks innovative ways to advance life-saving ministries through website design. It is because they are passionately pro-life and have a heart to help these ministries effectively reach their target clients.

Sister Paula

Jacob and Tanya, I am often amazed at your creativity and generosity. Truly you are gifted and blessed. I have referred a number of our agencies to work with you and they all comment on how satisfied they are and how easy you made it. They know you care about them and their work.