Encryption at Rest for HIPAA Compliance

While most pregnancy clinics have chosen to encrypt their website with an SSL certificate, in order to encrypt the data going in and out of their website.  Many organizations have not considered the next step in encryption.  The next step is to encrypt your website data at-rest, while it is stored on the server hard drive – by storing it … Continued

Digital Marketing Services for Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Organizations | Reach Her with Your Website & Save Lives

Client Facing Digital Marketing for Pregnancy Centers This article is for pregnancy clinic directors and marketing teams to provide insight on client-facing marketing tactics that are often included in a marketing strategy to intercept abortion-vulnerable clients from the path leading to an abortion clinic. This article is going to focus on the most crucial primary audience: the abortion-vulnerable, the abortion-minded, … Continued

Expert Advice on Pregnancy Clinic Marketing

Reaching Abortion Vulnerable Clients The importance of reaching the abortion-vulnerable client can be measured in the number of lives saved, the number of lives healed, and the number of lives connected to Jesus. The importance of this work is nothing shy of heroic by literally saving lives, restoring lives, and redeeming lives, saving people from the destruction of abortion, providing … Continued

Pro-Life Christian Website Designer

Pro-Life Christian Website Designer Designers with a Purpose This article is about reasons to pick a pro-life website designer. Choosing a pro-life website designer is essential when you have a pregnancy clinic or an organization that has this unique, God-given mission of intercepting traffic on its way to a dangerous place: the abortion clinic. Abortion clinics are where people are … Continued

Considering Frank Pavone

Many of you have probably heard the disheartening news about Fr. Frank Pavone.  I was actually editing a podcast on Friday that included him and a pastor discussing life topics, when the announcement was made that he was being dismissed as a priest.  I have been thinking a lot about Fr. Frank Pavone since this Friday, such as the fact … Continued


With Roe V Wade being overturned after 49 years, 5 months and 2 days, we are in the year of Jubilee.  We are literally in the 50th year – in the 50th year of Roe V Wade – and it has been overturned! This is the year for JUBILANT stories.  This is the year for continued prayer and answered prayer.  … Continued

Content Marketing for Pregnancy Centers- FREE EBOOK

“I recommend this wonderful eBook: Content Marketing for Pregnancy Centers to any and all pregnancy centers! The contents are very powerful in helping a pregnancy center with the vital nuts and bolts necessary to reach our target market! Excellent job! Well done!” – Lori DeVillez, Executive Director, Trotter House, (formerly known as Austin Pregnancy Resource Center)   A while back, … Continued

Webinar on the Google Ads opportunity for nonprofits

Stewardship invited Jacob Barr to speak on Adwords with Google Grants, which resulted in this webinar on the google ads opportunity for nonprofits. According to Stewardship, “There are 3.5 billion searches a day on Google. Yes, we said BILLION. One of the biggest missed opportunities for nonprofits is Google for Nonprofits, which is a $10,000 monthly grant to advertise on Google.com. This … Continued

Appalling: Google Aids Abortion Profiteers

Tech giant Google has decided to aid the sales of abortion profiteers. In an announcement last week, the multi-billion dollar advertising retailer said it will require “ads using keywords related to getting an abortion” to carry one of two disclaimers: “Provides abortion” or “Does not provide abortions.” Allegedly, this is Google’s attempt to “ensure” that “abortion-related ads are most relevant.” Google is … Continued

Understanding the Problems with Abortion Ads Certification by Google

Abortion Ads Certification Today we will be discussing how to overcome the problems with abortion ads certification through google. Backstory Items: The Federal Government / Federal Trade Commission has rules about truth in advertising. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/media-resources/truth-advertising Google has currently standing rules about truth in advertising. https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6020955?hl=en Consequences on google have already been established. https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/7187501 This new rule about abortion related searches … Continued

Google Abortion Ads Certification Thoughts

Google Abortion Ads On Thursday night (May 16th), Google sent the following to several pregnancy centers in relation to Google Abortion Ads. Dear Advertiser, In June 2019, the Google Ads healthcare and medicines policy for abortion will be updated with the following requirements for advertisers in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland: Advertisers who want to run ads using … Continued

Why Be Thankful this Thanksgiving?

“What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” This popular internet quote should remind us of how prone we are to ungratefulness. Yet, it begs the question: why be thankful? If we’re not careful, our concept of gratitude can quickly become no more than a trendy, self-help technique. With all the talk about … Continued

6 Reminders when Creating a Pregnancy Center Website

The following are a few things to keep in mind when creating a pregnancy center website. You probably got into this line of work because you recognize the value of human life. This is an idea to keep front and center, even in the world of business and marketing. Jeremiah 1:5 states, “Before I formed you in the womb, I … Continued

Do Pregnancy Centers Need HIPAA Compliant Email?

We recently received a question from a pregnancy care center employee regarding HIPAA compliant email. Her concern was for both the privacy of her clients and the legal protection of her organization. While iRapture.com can provide some basic answers, you should also consult a legal professional to look at your unique situation. Defining Some Important Terms This will be a … Continued

Not One Life Forgotten

This pro-life song and video were created to honor the heroes who work at pregnancy help centers across the country in the movement working to save lives. Please enjoy and share with others! Not One Life Forgotten Pro-life Song Lyrics: To Bring Life to the Helpless and Hope to Those without Dreams To Bring Change to the Darkness To Rescue … Continued

Praise for NIFLA

Recently the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers in NIFLA vs. Becerra. The justices ruled that California law violated our first amendment rights to freedom of speech. This ruling by the Supreme Court is a victory worth celebrating. Pregnancy centers and people everywhere have been blessed by the efforts of Tom Glessnor and his team to secure … Continued

On Spam: The Danger and the Delicacy

Spam the meat Spam is a delicious meat-like-product found at most grocery stores. It may or not be healthy, and it may or may not be meat, but it is nonetheless tasty. Spam, sometimes called “Hawaiian Steak,” is part of many Hawaiian meals. It’s been popular in the islands for decades. Spam the email Spam is also the name we’ve … Continued

It is good to celebrate when you have reason to celebrate!

Smart pro-life pregnancy center directors gathered together to celebrate, break bread, and also to learn together and reflect on ideas shared by experts from across the country. The Advanced Training Institute is a place for in depth and advanced education for pregnancy center directors and teams. Beyond growing stronger and smarter with fellowship and education, we also had a reason … Continued

Will a “Not Secure” Warning Hurt Your Ministry’s Website?

Have you ever ignored warning signs? We’ve all done it. The sign reads, “ACCIDENT AHEAD. EXIT NOW.” You think, “I’m not familiar with this exit and my normal route is easier. I’m sure it’s clear by now. Let’s see how this plays out.” Next thing you know, you’re sitting in a sea of brake lights and your dinner’s getting cold … Continued

The Simple Guide to Church Web Hosting

Just imagine investing thousands of dollars and hours into a project you care deeply about. Then you wake up one morning and it’s all gone. That’s exactly what happened to a professional photographer on a small island in 2008. The poor guy had poured everything into his business. He had worked hard to build a reputation with the local community. … Continued